Sunday, December 27, 2009

My new year resolutions.

At the age of 21 I didn't know my life would be so pathetic. I'm so sad with my life. I don't know how to cook. My CGPA is not that great. My English is getting worse. I can sing. Like really I can sing even better than Liyana Jasmay at the least. But I'm shy. I know that does sound pathetic but really, it's hard for me to sing in front of others. So there goes my precious talent.

I am surrounded by the most awesomest people you would ever meet. and my mom is always there. not for me but yeah to compare me with others. I hate being compared. You would totally feel the same when you're the one thats always been the loser one.

My cousin once said I'm a loser. I didn't know if she really means it. But I really feel offended. I hate her. Literally. I mean how could someone be so mean?

So I really wanna change. I wanna be the winner. These are my new year resolution;

1. Dean List for every semester.
2. Getting skinny. Not superskinny but yeah, skinnier than what I am right now.
3. Near to Allah. Everybody needs God. I mean He created us, right?

You guys. please. say Amen. :)


  1. hye.. thnx singgah kat my page. xsbar nak tunggu u updating ur post. btw, selamat berkenalan =)

  2. nice story.. thanks 4 your visit..
    keep in touch :)
