Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year.

So today is 01/01/2009. What is your New Year resolutions? I already have a few of it but I think the most important thing is not having new resolutions but seriously just walk the talk. I mean last year I already have a few of resolutions; I managed to achieve some of it but theres a lot that I unfortunately unable to achieve just yet.

Don't talk about it. Be about it.

So just stop talking and thinking. Just do it. Just be what you wanna be. Have faith and confident and don't be scared to be great. Everyone in this world deserve to be a great person. It only take some guts and faith.

Oh don't worry. It is gonna be amazing. Life still have ups and downs no matter what happens remember, everything happens for a reason.

But it is possible that you dislike a thing which is good for you, and that you love a thing which is bad for you. But Allah knows, and you know not. al-Baqarah 216

Oh my. This is hard. LOL

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Crying out loud in the center of the world. Not really.

Today, I spent like an hour crying out loud in my room. I was stressing out about something. I always cried when I got stressed out cos it will makes me feel better its like a weight has been lifted off my shoulder or something. It is utterly depressing when you don't get what you deserve, right?

You don't get what you deserve, you get what you negotiate.

I don't know who said that but somehow it makes sense. But really it's easier said than done. Its not easy to persuade someone to get what we want, what we deserve to. But somehow you have to try, to negotiate, to persuade them so that you get what you want. As a young adult, I'm becoming to understand how the world works. I mean the rule, or the game or whatever you call it. To be success negotiating is everything that you need.

OK back to what I said before; so I was crying and I really need inspiration so I search "The Climb" on Youtube. I meant to watch Miley Cyrus version of it but I found this video where I dunno his name is Ahmir and he plays piano and theres these bunch of guys who have the most beautiful voice ever they sing and it is utterly awesome and I totally feel inspired by it. So heres the video.

Hope you enjoy it. x

Sunday, December 27, 2009

TESLian. Are they that good ?

The study of Herman Finkers.

I don't know about you but as for me, I think people who took TESL in the uni are not that good in English. IPTA, maybe. IPTS, um I don't think so.

OK not every each of them but yeah most of them. Most of them took TESL because they don't have any other choices. Yeah they might got an A1 for English in SPM but guys come on, it's just Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia. I mean how hard could that be. Just anyone could get an A1 for English in SPM.

I got a friend who is taking TESL at a private college. She didn't even know if the word hideous exist. Yes you read me right. She didn't even know if the word hideous exist. I mean it's a simple word, it's not even a complicated word like Chlamydia or something its "hideous", even a primary school kids would know that.

I once studied in a very popular university in Malaysia but seriously the English teacher is utterly suck in English. She failed me for an assignment just because I wrote it in a creative-writing way. Since then, I never trust just any English lecturers. Lecturers who have passion in English, yes. Other than that, sorry, I could never trust them to teach me.

OK now if you're thinking I'm a perasan-bagus-punya-orang, I don't care. IMHO, people who learn because they had to and people who learn because they want to is way different. People who studied TESL because they have passion in English would be a damn good lecturers but other than that, they would suck.

So the point is, it doesn't mean TESL students are all good in English some of them should just go back to kindergarten and learn some basic stuff like how to spell h-i-d-e-o-u-s or when to use was or were. bahaha.

p/s: you were there when i was being picked on by some cold-hearted bastards, but then you still love me. what did i do to deserve someone like you.

My new year resolutions.

At the age of 21 I didn't know my life would be so pathetic. I'm so sad with my life. I don't know how to cook. My CGPA is not that great. My English is getting worse. I can sing. Like really I can sing even better than Liyana Jasmay at the least. But I'm shy. I know that does sound pathetic but really, it's hard for me to sing in front of others. So there goes my precious talent.

I am surrounded by the most awesomest people you would ever meet. and my mom is always there. not for me but yeah to compare me with others. I hate being compared. You would totally feel the same when you're the one thats always been the loser one.

My cousin once said I'm a loser. I didn't know if she really means it. But I really feel offended. I hate her. Literally. I mean how could someone be so mean?

So I really wanna change. I wanna be the winner. These are my new year resolution;

1. Dean List for every semester.
2. Getting skinny. Not superskinny but yeah, skinnier than what I am right now.
3. Near to Allah. Everybody needs God. I mean He created us, right?

You guys. please. say Amen. :)